Alexander (2004)
An epic portrait of the legendary conqueror.
Any Given Sunday (1999)
Oliver Stone takes a gladiatorial look at the world of American football.
Born On The Fourth Of July (1989)
Tom Cruise plays disabled Vietnam vet Ron Kovic for Oliver Stone.
Comandante (2002)
Oliver Stone interviews Fidel Castro.
The Doors (1991)
Biopic of Jim Morrison and his Sixties iconic rock band.
JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass (2021)
Thirty years after his film JFK, filmmaker Oliver Stone takes viewers on a journey through recently declassified evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy.
Natural Born Killers (1994)
Two psychopathic murderers become glorified by the media.
Savages (2012)
A pair of pot growers clash with a drug cartel after their girlfriend is kidnapped.
Snowden (2016)
Biopic of the whistleblower.
U Turn (1997)
A drifter cuckolds a rich man in a small town while on the way to deliver goodies for the mob.
W (2008)
The life of US President George W Bush, as seen by Oliver Stone.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Gordon Gecko is back, and this time he's predicting financial disaster.
World Trade Center (2006)
The tragedy of 9/11, as seen through the eyes of two survivors and their families.
Wall Street (1987)
A young stock market trader will stop at nothing to succeed, little knowing wealth comes with a price.

'I wanted to write a story about absolute, unconditional love' Rosalie director Stéphanie Di Giusto on her bearded lady with a feminist message

Tribeca Film Festival early bird highlights Emergent City, 1-800-ON-HER-OWN and The Devil's Bath

An island in the darkness Moin Hussain on creating the world of Sky Peals

Mirroring Monica Vitti Roberta Torre on Monica Vitti, Alba Rohrwacher, Shigeru Umebayashi and Mi Fanno Male I Capelli

Tallinn introduces dedicated documentary competition Doc@PÖFF will celebrate the best in factual film

Inshallah A Boy is MIFF Best Feature Festival Jury Awards announced

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